Setting Goals: Your Gym Bag is a ShitShow, But Everything is Fine. IT’S FINE!
Setting Goals: Your Gym Bag is a ShitShow, but Everything is fine. IT'S FINE
Get Organized
For the past decade when clients have come to me with big goals, I have always used the same verbiage- let’s chop this into segments rather than try to make too many changes at once. Let’s slow down and look at the big picture before we go crazy and lose our minds. Let’s look at the entire workload and approach this so it is 100% attainable and, get this, maintainable.
That may sound pessimistic but let’s just get real for a second: most of us are not paid athletes so we still have to do all of the real-life things plus go to work fulltime. This means we must be able to keep all the little things in our lives running very smooth in order to have the time and space to take on the extra work for said goal. It means that we must hold ourselves to a high standard even when no one else is looking. It means that if we do not stay organized and take on a realistic approach that it will bleed into that window of time that we set aside for training.
I have found that anyone who exercises regularly (which is a very small portion of the population) typically follows a different path than someone who does not. It sets you apart, but it certainly does not mean you have your shit together. Whether you are emotionally at rock bottom or you are surfing at the top of your game in every department of your life, there is always something you can do better. Before you start eyeing up your next goal and start putting so much on your plate that you cannot breath, let’s take a quick snap shot of the small things that lead up to us being able to give our attention to the work that will need to be done.
I was listening to Joe Rogan awhile back and he said “live life like a video crew is following you around.” At first, I thought it was a strange concept but rather than dismiss it, I gave it a shot. Guess what? My perception changed big time! I already know that I am a hard worker and that I am willing to get up early and go to sleep late so that I can get the most out of each and every single day- but what I noticed is that I was unorganized in the small compartments of my life and it was effecting the big compartments. I was dismissing the importance of holding a consistent standard in the things that were 100% within my control. There were spots in my day where I was slacking because no one else was looking. I was being lazy with things that inevitably caused anxiety throughout my day and there was no excuse. My pretend camera crew embarrassed the shit out of me and gave me a swift kick in the ass.
No matter what type of person you may be, the more clutter you have around you, both physically and emotionally, the more anxious you will feel. From the time you get out of bed in the morning to the time you go back to bed in the evening, your environment either speeds you up or slows you down. Your messy car, the cluttered counter, the thing you committed to that you do not have time for- all of it weighs on you.
Simply put, the more you slow down and focus on the things that are in your control the less likely you are to be derailed when life hits you in the face with the stuff that you cannot control. If you are ready to start working on a big goal and/or you have already set your goal, hit the brakes for a hot second and reevaluate the things around you that you can work on. Make a list, check it 27 times, prioritize what you can fix, prioritize what makes you anxious, prioritize the standard that you live by when no one else is looking.
Below is a list of excuses followed closely by some unsolicited advice on how you can clean your junk up and be more prepared to focus on your BIG GOAL. None of the things below take a lot of time when done correctly- they take a ton of time to deal with when done incorrectly. Take this list and apply it to anything from your relationships to your kitchen counter- IT ALL COUNTS, PEOPLE. We don’t often think about cleaning up the small things when setting big goals – but give it a shot and watch as the anxiety washes away from your day.
“My morning is a shitshow- I do not have enough time to do all of the things.”
BULLSHIT: This is in your control. If you are too busy taking care of everyone else but yourself- if you are too lazy to get up when the alarm goes off- if you are “not a morning person,” then it is time to make a change. Be realistic, the habit is not going to change overnight. Start with setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier than normal and forcing yourself out of bed so that your camera crew isn’t just sitting there watching you sleep. Slowly turn that 10 minutes into 45 minutes by going to bed earlier and utilizing that morning quiet time to get stuff done. Before you know it you will become a morning person and your evenings will be more relaxed. Try it- I dare you! Your camera crew will be so proud of you because you finally made time for yourself and took personal responsibility for getting more done in your day.
“My car is a shitshow because, well, life.”
BULLSHIT: This is in your control. At the end of your day, even if it takes more than one trip, empty out your damn car. Kids are in the habit of leaving stuff behind? NO! You are in the habit of not making them take their stuff with them. Take a moment before everyone jumps out of the car and kindly make a deal with them that you need to work as a team to keep the car clutter free. Continue to create a habit by kindly reminding everyone to gather their belongings and garbage as they leave the car- EVEN IF IT TAKES MORE THAN ONE TRIP. Your camera crew will applaud you by showing you the healthy habit you are creating for yourself and your family and you will also feel fresh when you get into a clean car each morning!
“My home entry-way is a shitshow because no one puts their shit away.”
BULLSHIT: This is in your control. The last thing you see as you walk out the door and the first thing you see when you walk in the door is your entry way. The amount of anxiety and stress that this little spot in your house will cause you as you go on with your day is endless- so let’s take some time to clean it up. What makes more sense for that space? What can you do to get it more organized? Maybe you need to spend some money- either way- get that shit cleaned up and organized. Are you in the habit of allowing your kids to leave their bags around like landmines? STOP. Family meeting time. Let’s chat about how a simple new habit can create less anxiety for everyone. Not only will you be demanding normal human action from your normal human family, but you will be teaching them a life lesson. Your camera crew will also be stoked to not trip over everyone’s bags and shoes as they walk in the door each day.
“My gym bag is a shitshow and I can’t find my jockstrap.”
BULLSHIT: This is in your control. In the super wise words of Ludacris, “What in the world is in that bag, whatchu’ got in that bag?” Seriously, dump that thing out and start over. Just the basics people, just the freaking basics. Assign a different bag for each thing- do not mix your bags. All the bags for all the things- dump them out and reorganize. All the way down to your hygiene and makeup bag- get rid of the clutter and add essentials only. Show your camera man how prepared you are for your “me-time” by having the most organized gym bag on the block.
“My friend so-in-so causes so much drama and I cannot take it but I keep him/her around because I have to.”
BULLSHIT: This is in your control. So, is it you that likes the drama or is it him/her, because you don’t seem to want to make a change!? Listen, friends come and go but your life still has to go on. Just because someone does not work for you does not mean that there is something wrong with them or you- it just means that it does not work. That is it. It is that simple. There does not have to be ongoing discussions or gossip, there does not need to be fights, it just needs to be done. There are very few people that are going to work for you in your lifetime- accept it and move on. Everyone can still be cordial and get along and maybe someday you will become the bestest friends in the whole wide world- but right now it does not work for you and that is ok. Be real. Be confident. Confront the issue, take responsibility for your part and move on. NEXT. BYE. SEE YA. Clean up the clutter. Your camera crew will appreciate not hearing you bitch about “said friend” going forward.
“I set this huge goal but I am feeling panicked about fitting in the training and getting to where I need to be.”
BULLSHIT: This is in your control. YOU decided you wanted to do this. YOU decided you wanted to take this chance. YOU chose to talk about it. You chose to make it what you wanted to make it. Here’s the deal: your time for excuses has come to an end but it is not too late to get organized. Look at your life outside of the training and make sure those things are in order first. Once you feel good about that stuff, make a list of the bare minimum training it will take to accomplish your goal and compare it to your life schedule. If you are unaware of what that training should look like, talk to a coach or read a book- winging it is ok too if you are prepared for that result. Realize quickly that there will be no time for excuses and that your training will count the most when you are alone and no one else is watching. Realize that the reward you are looking for will only be between you and yourself. Accept that your mind will have to be willing to work when your body does not want to. You will have to sleep less and become extremely dedicated to the work you need to put in. You will have to sacrifice time with friends and you may have to get up earlier and go to bed sooner. Do not let your camera crew catch you slacking because that video will replay in your brain for the rest of time in the form of regret. That is between YOU and YOU.