Immune Health: Nurse Meg Gets Us Dialed
Bring on the basics:
This means snow biking, skiing, and all cold weather activities are about to be filling our cups with adventure and stress relief. Having said that, in order to best prepare our bodies for the season ahead, there are a few immune health, tips and tricks that you can implement into your daily self-care routine.
I should probably mention that my name is Meghan Sarna and I am a certified Family Nurse Practitioner and Holistic Nurse. I work at an integrative medicine practice called Table Health where we prescribe more supplements than medications and emphasize lifestyle changes to improve health. It’s pretty rad.
Recommended Vitamins
Vitamin D (ask your healthcare provider to check your vitamin D level before initiating higher doses)
4,000 IU- 5,000 IU daily (or more, based on your levels)
1, 000 mg per day to prevent illness
1, 500 mg - 2, 000 mg IF sick
** higher doses of vitamin C may be problematic if you have a G6PD deficiency (Glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase) **
15mg 1-2 times per day to prevent illness increase to 30mg 1-2 times per day if you’re sick.
Along with additional supplement support during the winter months, I also suggest:
Getting at LEAST 8 hours of sleep per day
Sweating once per day (feel free to use the sauna, if you have one)
Practicing proper hand hygiene (warm water with antimicrobial soap)
Drinking THE fire cider (see recipe below)
For detailed information regarding more preventative supplements and dosage recommendations, please watch this video provided by Dr. Andrea Stoecker at Table Health, Traverse City.
Cold, Flu, and COVID Support & Prevention
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If you’re looking for a holistic, primary care provider, I’m accepting new patients and would be happy to assist you in optimizing your health journey.
(Nurse Meg)